Dorothea McArthur, PhD, ABPP

Dorothea McArthur, PhD, ABPP

therapists in los angeles, california - Dorothea McArthur

Dorothea McArthur, PhD, ABPP
2362 Cove Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90039-3123
(323) 663-2340
Psychology License: #PSY5301

Dr. McArthur is the President of the Independent Psychotherapy Network

Psychological Services Offered: Specializations:
Brief-focused to Long-term Psychotherapy
Individuals, Children, Adolescents, Adults, Couples and Families
Working with the challenge of being an artist
Abuse – sexual, physical, psychological
Crisis Intervention
Work with sabotaging family of origin
Substance abuse

Dr. McArthur holds Diplomate Status from the American Board of Professional Psychology and has served two terms on their board.  She has two Masters Degrees in Art and Psychology, a PhD. in Clinical Psychology and has been President of the Independent Psychotherapy Network since its inception in 1994.

Personal Statement

Psychotherapy appears to me to be a private, privileged and creative process. It is dedicated with respect and without judgment to reviewing some of life’s inevitable pain and vulnerability. The clients and I do this together to erase misconceptions from past unresolved issues and reach the unique strengths and goals of each individual. The tough parts of life well understood often result in growth and depth of character. I am constantly amazed at the courage, adaptability, and uniqueness within each person’s story.

My office is in a separate, quiet, peaceful residence overlooking the Silverlake Reservoir.

I have two very friendly therapy dogs who have their own valuable affection and direction to share with each client.

My educational training has given me experience in being both a psychologist and an artist. In both fields, I was taught to observe accurately and to understand what I see. I learned how to take pieces of life experience and creatively weave it into a whole that explains a central issue, a chronic feeling, an unresolved question, or a misconception. I enjoy talking with people of all ages individually, as a couple, or as a family unit. We solve only what each person wishes to go on with life satisfactorily in the present and the future.

The artistic side of me also turned to writing as a way of integrating and then sharing what I’d come to learn from doing psychotherapy with people I’ve respected. In the 1980’s I co-authored the first edition of Roberts Apperception Test for Children (RATC) a nonthreatening story telling test that has reached millions of children to help therapists understand how each child thinks and feels about family and school.

In 1989, I published a five star book entitled Birth of a Self in Adulthood for the purpose of understanding the covert messages from psychologically vulnerable parents who unconsciously sabotage their children’s growth. This book has been written for clients, therapists and educated lay public.

Next for publication is a five star book entitled Love Beyond Love: An Adoptive Families Journey through Closed, Open and Cooperative Adoption.  I’m an adoptive mother. I also have a specialty in adoption, seeing adoptees regarding adoption issues and reunion possibilities with birth family, adoptive parents about child management, and birth parents about their long lasting grief over relinquishment.

I am especially interested in helping families to reorganize so that they can better handle the demands of a long work week to preserve time for children, relaxation, refueling and family intimacy. To this end, I have created a set of Children’s, Parents’ and Teachers’ Rights and a Parent-Child Checklist of ideas and case examples that contribute to healthy family time. This book is entitled Tomorrow’s Child.

Defining Moments: Breaking Through Tough Times has been published by Cove Press Books earning nine awards. This book has been written for those who have experienced loss of employment, income, or home due to economic downturn or natural disaster, and therefore cannot afford psychotherapy. It is sixty-six essays, stories and dialogues with specific ways to acquire the understanding and confidence needed to satisfactorily cope with the recovery process.

As a psychologist and an artist, I have a specialty in seeing artists to help them to maximize their talent, and, at the same time, earn the income needed to go on being creative. The artist’s world is filled with the inevitable ups and downs for most artists generating, at times, moments of creative joy, and, at other times, resistance, depression and lack of validation for their work. Therefore, it is a usually complex profession deserving special care and support.

For individuals over age fifty-five, we begin to look at their second adulthood or retirement issues. We organize skills already acquired in a new way. I see older citizens as both available and experienced in making a difference within our communities, especially with children. I’m available to help with overcoming health problems, while creating a safe, financially secure, and psychologically healthy life. I also consult with couples who are taking care of elderly parents and their own children concurrently.

As president, I’ve created and led the Independent Psychotherapy Network since its inception.  This group was organized to make experienced and specialized psychotherapy available on a sliding scale basis to those without insurance or limited managed care coverage.  This group has also provided valuable training and consultation for all fourteen therapists for the purpose of keeping our individual practices at the highest level of quality, integrity and ethics.