e-mail IPN

March 2000
For each concern below, mark 1, 2, or 3
1. I wonder if I am ready to get married.
1-a little, 2-medium, 3-a lot
2.Things about my fiancé worry me.
1-a little, 2-medium, 3-a lot
3. We have important things to work through.
1-a little, 2-medium, 3-a lot
4. I love my fiancé but I am not sure we should marry.
1-a little, 2-medium, 3-a lot
5. I will have to give up a lot if I marry.
1-a little, 2-medium, 3-a lot
6. We have trouble working out differences.
1-a little, 2-medium, 3-a lot
7. I think there will be 1problems with in-laws.
1-a little, 2-medium, 3-a lot
8. We have differences in religious beliefs, finances,
or children.
1-a little, 2-medium, 3-a lot
9. One of us wants to change the other too much.
1-a little, 2-medium, 3-a lot
10. We have differences in romance/sex.
1-a little, 2-medium, 3-a lot
If you scored 10-12, you have the usual anxieties but are doing pretty well; premarital counseling is optional.
If you scored 13-22, it would be a very good idea to get premarital counseling.
If you scored 23-30, Don't Delay-- get premarital counseling!
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