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These Click here for previous Articles, Psych Bytes, News, and Book Reviews by topic. FOUR KINDS OF WORKERS INTERACT; WHICH ARE YOU? by Dorothea McArthur, PhD, ABPP
The second personality type we call a Materialistic work personality. This individual tends to be interested in collecting as much as they can. Perhaps it is wealth, stocks, promotions, land, cars, mansions, antiques, trophies or fame. Materialistic work personalities are highly motivated, and are excellent at creating large successful-for-profit businesses or corporations. They are able to use bureaucracy to their advantage — fast tracking to the top as a leader. They produce fantastic products that we can all use and enjoy. They are able to sell themselves well, and drive a hard bargain and close a deal. Conflict is often a positive challenge; competition attracts them. They have little concern for how others are affected while they obtain their goal. Ethics, and sharing are frequently compromised in the name of “doing business.” Their goal is almost always “to have a little more” of whatever they are collecting, often without the realization that to obtaining this is hurting other people, and doesn’t make the Materialistic work personality happier. They sometimes become carried away in reaching their goal, contributing to the imbalance or displacement of the line workers who serve them, their nation and/or the planet. Materialistic work personality makes up most of our “One Percent.” The Altruistic work personality often takes too long to get concerned about Materialistic work personality behavior, but eventually steps in to try to “make a difference” by attempting to acknowledge the underdog and restore balance. These two work personalities then butt heads, often competing and devaluing each other. Materialistic work personality tactics often win because an Altruistic work personality may feel intimidated and be unwilling to compromise their ethics. Meanwhile, Materialistic work personality is much more comfortable with competing and winning at any cost. He or she acquires enormous sums of money while Altruistic work personality struggles, too often, with the proceeds from grants, donations, contributions, fund raising, a bake or community rummage sale. Both Altruistic and Materialistic work personalities are needed to maintain society and each have advantages and disadvantages, strengths and vulnerabilities. How does an Altruistic and Materialistic work personality develop? How can we raise children to have the best qualities of these work personalities, minimizing the vulnerabilities that might ultimately hurt society or the planet? It is said that the tallest buildings run the culture. In the eighteenth century, it was the churches and in the nineteenth century, it was the universities. More recently it is the corporate world. Unfortunately, the philosophy of the Materialistic personality dominates by telling us that it is somehow all right to put out addictive or defective products, treat corporate workers with blatant disregard, earn absurdly large bonuses, bailouts, lower taxes, golden parachutes, and intimidate each other with lobbyists, law suits and buyouts solely for the purpose of increasing profits. The movie, Insider, is a testament to the degree that such a philosophy can be carried out. When we behave this way, what kind of message do we give to our children? How can we expect our kids to be considerate, ethical and caring in the face of such blatant hurtful ways. We seem to be at a loss as to how to handle this ongoing problem, even in the face of a recession. The third type is the person who says, “I want this amount of money in my pay check. I don’t care what kind of job I do as long as I reliably get the money. Life, for me, begins after work.” This Routine type of worker can frequently do somewhat repetitive jobs cheerfully and responsibly. After work, they do what they want with their free time utilizing sports, hobbies and parties. The fourth kind of worker is an Artist type. These individuals seem to have been born with creative genes. Their struggles in life becomes fodder for their creativity and success. They want time to be creative, with or without pay, in whatever form of art they practice. They are persistent in their creative endeavors, although they sometimes have to fight discouragement and frustration in gaining acceptance, and compensation for their work. They need several hours a day to do their creative work. In the remaining time, they may choose to have more routine jobs to cover their basic expenses, and keep them out in the world where they interact with others, generating further creativity. Artists sometimes have to work with Materialistic work personality in Hollywood’s entertainment industry even when both styles of functioning and overall goals are very different. home | article
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