Clients in individual therapy often ask me that question, for after a period of healing within the safe environment of individual therapy, they reach a level of growth that prepares them to face new challenges. As clients' interactive strengths increase, they find it easier to take risks and may also feel a wish to "practice" those new behaviors. However, they may fear taking steps toward closer relationships in the "real" world, since trust and intimacy are huge issues for many people.
I'm happy to say that group therapy can be the ideal next step, as a place to experiment with new skills in a safe environment under the supportive, watchful eye of a well-trained group therapist. Many group therapists have witnessed dramatic changes in optimism among members who have made at least a six-month commitment to a group. The optimism is shared and becomes contagious, while compassion for another's pain helps foster healing for all. My own experience observing my clients' changes after a period of time in group therapy has been dramatic, as they begin to practice their new, interpersonal skills before trying them out in the "outside" world.
Another benefit of the group therapy experience is universality~that powerful sense of relief when we realize that others share concerns similar to our own, that we are not alone with a particular issue. The connections that happen often lead to a feeling of intimacy that may be very new for some people. Though the details of an important life experience, such as grief and loss for example, may be different for each person, the feelings are so similar that healing can occur for all who are present. It is an experience akin to observing a powerful film or play, or reading a sensitive description of a grief experience in a novel, which touches similar feelings in us.
Groups can also reduce social isolation because they provide a setting in which members experience the joy of feeling connected and understood. Social isolation seems to be the bane of our existence during these anxious times, especially in a large city like Los Angeles, where many individuals have moved away from the familiarity of friends and family in pursuit of career or relationship unkempt promises. The result is loneliness, and the need for support and direction. For those without a network of close, trusted friends the group can become an important resource, as well as a close, cohesive unit, similar to having a dependable family to turn to .Group therapy can offer the opportunity to discover that you are not alone, but that other people have similar feelings of anxiety or depression, for example, and can share effective means of coping.
There is also an educational benefit to being part of a group, because members and/or the therapist impart information which can be invaluable in making positive life changes. As participants seek and offer support, the self-esteem of both recipients and nurturers rises. Those who are helping feel more effective, as those who are helped begin to heal their pain or problem. In addition, group therapy can foster the development of improved social skills, while ground rules that encourage open and honest interaction enhance communication. Sometimes role-playing of feared situations can happen, which is additional helpful feedback.. And last but not least, group therapy is more affordable type of therapy than individual during these difficult financial times.
Group therapy may not be for everyone, but the benefits of feeling acceptance, positive regard and a sense of connectedness may be reason enough to explore group psychotherapy as an option, sometimes in tandem with individual therapy, if that is your need.
©copyright by Sandy Plone, Ph.D. 2011
Dr. Plone is a psychologist in West Los Angeles, and a member of the Independent Psychotherapy Network.
Should you wish a confidential phone call or session to discuss any of this further, please feel free to contact
Dr.Plone at 310-979-7473.
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