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These Click here for previous Articles, Psych Bytes, News, and Book Reviews by topic. December 2012 EMOTIONAL REGULATION So many of our reactions, defenses, and interactions in life seem to be related to our ability to regulate our feeling states. We attempt to keep them within a threshold of emotional tolerance. What I mean by this is that we become defensive, and use compulsive and addictive behavior in an attempt to either move ourselves out of feelings of anxiety/panic/terror, or deflation/depression/ and despair states. When something in our environment (persons, events, and experiences) threaten to trigger these states, and we experience that we won’t be able to stop the internal escalation of anxiety or deflation, then we go into defensive or addictive/compulsive behavioral modes of coping by either over or under- reacting. We feel threatened with becoming out of control. The anticipatory anxiety, or signal anxiety states we experience, trigger us into well-entrenched attempts to regulate the escalating states. Unfortunately, these very protective attempts at emotional regulation and security are the very things that create distress in our interpersonal relations, and problems in living in our adult lives. Many of us don't even realize that we are reacting or regulating ourselves by these maneuvers. We do them automatically, or realize them in retrospect. Often those closest to us (wife, children, etc.), are the ones who know about them, and pay the price interpersonally (feeling their negative impact). I am always amazed in my work with couples, at how well they are able to pick these aspects out in each other, but how oblivious they are to their own defenses, and over/under reactions. This is the case for most of us. There are many ways we can attempt to regulate ourselves that are maladaptive in the present context of our lives. Here is a list of some of the more common ones: 1. Being controlling I could go on, but you get the point. I am referring to behaviors that are used to try and alter our moods and that have life damaging consequences. I am sure many people will retort that we need some of these to cope with our lives and manage our emotions. This, I feel, is a common view. However, if we want to continue to grow and become freer of these compulsive overreactions, we must find healthier ways of regulating ourselves and more adaptive ways of trying to feel safe and secure. What might some healthier ways be? Here are some that come to mind:
2. Walking in nature 3. Making your life simpler 4. Lowering your standard of living; smaller house, fewer cars, work closer to home if possible, but have more quality time with spouse/children etc. 5. Reframe what success in life means; letting go of unhealthy societal expectations for success, achievement, performance. 6. Get used to and accept making mistakes, and see them as a natural part of growth in life. 7. Let go of harsh self-talk and masochistic/sadistic ways of relating to yourself. 8. Have Faith, and learn to let things go, without denying their reality.
I could go on, but this should suffice for this article. The point is to develop soothing, calming and revitalizing (emotional regulating) experiences that don't have negative consequences for you or others. You might want to add to both of these lists based on your own experience with emotional regulation, or dysregulation. Remember, this is an ongoing process for all of us. The point is progress, not perfection. Don’t turn it into another compulsion! Dr. Lance is a psychotherapist in practice in Glendale, CA. He is a member of the Independent Psychotherapy Network. Dr. Lance can be reached at 818-265-4052, or jeffworks@earthlink.net. “Copyright 2012 by Jeffrey M. Lance Ph.D.” _____________________ home | article
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