![]() We are keeping these two articles up for a second month. We hope our visitors will find some help or comfort in them.
Introductory Letter: COPING WITH PSYCHOLOGICAL AFFECTS OF TERRORISM Dear Visitor: Welcome to our website.
In this time of international crisis because of the terrorist attacks on the United States it is psychologically normal, natural, and appropriate to feel:
May those of you who have been hit directly by this event in terms of loss of relative, spouse, parents, friends, colleague, job, or financial assets know that deep within you is the ability to get back up on your feet and to go on. Do not be afraid to reach out for professional help if you feel the need. Talking with a mental health professional or Red Cross Volunteer can dramatically help you to recover fully psychologically, especially if you have been directly and personally traumatized by any of the terrorist events. Ask for Critical Incidence Stress Debriefing. This is a short term, one session focused therapeutic support that I and many other psychologists have have been trained to do by the Red Cross. This intervention can significantly ameliorate PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) I do not charge for this service. May those of you who have been hit directly by this tragedy in terms of loss of relative, spouse, parents, job, or financial assets know that deep within you is the ability to get back up on your feet and to go on. Do not be afraid to reach out for professional help if you feel the need. Talking with a mental health professional or Red Cross Volunteer can dramatically help you to recover fully psychologically, especially if you have been directly and personally traumatized by any of the terrorist event. Above all, take good care of yourself.
Clinical Psychologist and President of IPN
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